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Showing Notifications with HTML5/Webkit

Most of us use popular twitter clients such as TweetDeck, Seesmic which are developed using Adobe AIR. One thing  I like about these clients is that they show notifications when the application is in the minimized mode. Now with browsers implementing webkit such as Google chrome one can use the notification API to send notification to the browser. In this blog post I will be explaining how one can implement webkit notifications in their web application. 

Server Monitoring in CF 9.0.1 - Multi Server monitor changes

Multi server monitor enables you to monitor multiple ColdFusion instances and at any point one can check the load on the added instance. If your remote server is running on the jetty (please refer to my previous post here ) i.e. when the remote machine has monitoring server enabled then the cross-domain details are required to be specified in crossdomain.xml located under {CF_ROOT} /MonitoringServer/. 

ColdFusion 9.0.1 Server monitoring enhancements

This post gives an Introduction to Server Monitoring Enhancements in CF 9 updater 1. Server Monitoring helps the user to monitor various statistics such as slow requests, load at any point of time, active requests,  requests with errors etc,. In the updater version of ColdFusion,  an embedded server - Jetty is added which listens to a different port: 5500. A page -  Monitoring Settings is added to the administrator where in the user can check the current status of server monitor. This avoids the step of launching and checking whether monitoring, profiling and memory tracking are enabled/disabled. Configuring and starting Server Monitor: By default Server Monitor will run on the same port on which coldfusion is running (i.e. without Jetty). However, to improve the performance the embedded server jetty can be enabled. There are three ways of starting Server monitoring with Jetty on a different port: ColdFusion administrator: Sever Monitoring -> Monitoring S...

ColdFusion meets Photoshop

I have been looking into Photoshop very lately and I must say it's the most amazing software that I have ever experienced. I have created a few Wallpapers using Photoshop with ColdFusion as theme. I have referred to few tutorials available on the web and have created these pictures. Feel free to download and use it.

ColdFusion Builder - A few tweaks

ColdFusion Builder sometimes might take a lot of time during startup or when a large project is imported into workspace. This post explains how one can change Builder settings to improve the startup experience. Server settings: If you have added a server to CFB, then you can see at the bottom right corner of the IDE that the CFCs are getting indexed. CFB uses the server settings to provide code assist for datasources, CFCs. This might take a lot of time since it indexes all the files in the webroot. This setting can be disabled in the preferences section. Navigate to Window -> Preferences -> ColdFusion -> Server Settings. Mac users can find Preferences under Adobe ColdFusion Builder (standalone) or under Eclipse (plugin installation). CFB indexes all the CFCs located under webroot and mappings directory for the servers defined. By default these options are checked. One can uncheck 'Build server settings' and can observe that the build is not initiated when the CFB is...

ColdFusion Builder - Project Support

ColdFusion Builder is a brand new IDE from Adobe for building ColdFusion applications. ColdFusion Builder is based on Eclipse and can be downloaded from . In this series I will be explaining about creating Projects/Applications in ColdFusion Builder. CF Builder provides wizards for creating projects. It also provides wizards for creating CFCs, CFMs and CF Interfaces. I would like to cover the latter in the next post. In this post I will be explaining the project creation with CF Builder. To get started with creating Projects switch to ColdFusion perspective. The project creation wizard can be invoked from four places: Start page -> ColdFusion project. File -> New -> ColdFusion project Clicking New ColdFusion project Icon on the toolbar. Right click Navigator view and select New -> ColdFusion Project. The 'New ColdFusion project' page is as shown below: Enter your 'Project Name' as say 'ProjectTest'. ...

Populating flex MenuBar items in mx:Script using the data retrieved from ColdFusion

Couple of days back I was looking for a piece of code that would populate a Flex MenuBar dynamically. Googled a lot, but I was not able to find the right solution. However, I learnt that a Flex MenuBar can be populated using XML data; but the examples found declared the XML right within the client with all data. What I wanted is to retrieve an array of objects(MenuBar data) from my database and send that to the client. I used ColdFusion ORM to do this for me. It is so nice to see a few lines of code not just retrieve the data and present it very clean; but also save a lot of time. Let's get started: On the server side I have two CFC's MenuBar.cfc and MenuBarManager.cfc.  MenuBar.cfc contains the mapping data: T_MENU is the table which contains MenuBar data. MenuBarManager.cfc contains a method getMenuBarItems that retrieves all MenuBar data. The output of getMenuBarItems is as shown below: The above dump shows the Column names, their parent and the action to be taken on the ...