ColdFusion Builder is a brand new IDE from Adobe for building ColdFusion applications. ColdFusion Builder is based on Eclipse and can be downloaded from . In this series I will be explaining about creating Projects/Applications in ColdFusion Builder. CF Builder provides wizards for creating projects. It also provides wizards for creating CFCs, CFMs and CF Interfaces. I would like to cover the latter in the next post. In this post I will be explaining the project creation with CF Builder. To get started with creating Projects switch to ColdFusion perspective. The project creation wizard can be invoked from four places: Start page -> ColdFusion project. File -> New -> ColdFusion project Clicking New ColdFusion project Icon on the toolbar. Right click Navigator view and select New -> ColdFusion Project. The 'New ColdFusion project' page is as shown below: Enter your 'Project Name' as say 'ProjectTest'. ...
A blog on HTML5, JavaScript, ColdFusion and other web technologies.